Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The 10-Foot Rule

“The 10-Foot Rule” is a very simple rule, but it’s not so easy to implement at first. However, if you can figure out how to incorporate it into your daily life, it’s magical. At work it will improve your relationship with your customer, your teammates, and even your boss. And if you use it in your daily life you’ll find that you live in a much friendlier neighborhood. Pretty cool, huh?

First the bad news. 

We’ve got tons of baggage, or preprogramming, that that often keeps us from doing the simplest things in life, and this is one of them. 

 “Don’t talk to strangers.” Sound familiar? As children we were all taught this in hopes that it would keep us safe.

Another one, “Speak only when spoken to.”

These are probably good things for us to learn as kids, but as adults this kind of ingrained instruction hurts our ability to connect with others.

Old habits die hard.

As a result of this ingrained training, even as adults, we move through our daily lives keeping to ourselves. We often don’t look at people we don’t know much less engage with them. And if we have to spend much time around them (i.e. on a bus or a subway) we plug in the headphones so we can completely ignore them without seeming rude.

Sometimes I wish there were a switch that could shut off all the things we’re supposed to do as a child, and turn on all the things we’re supposed to do as an adult. Until we find that switch we have to figure out something else.

Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker with a “folksy” way of communicating says, “The best way to get rid of weeds is to plant crab grass.” His point is, the best way to eliminate an old habit is to trade it for a new habit. That’s where the 10-Foot Rule comes in.

The 10-Foot Rule: 

Warmly acknowledge EVERYONE that comes within 10-feet of you.

Yup, that’s it! Give a big grin and a warm “Hello” or “How ya doin’?” to everyone within a 10-foot radius of you.

Imagine for a moment that you are standing still (I know, in the customer service game it’s hard to imagine right, but give it a shot). Now imagine that there is a big radiant glow emanating from your body in a 10-foot radius.

I picture it like a giant glowing hula-hoop shaped force field that’s always attached to me, and I simply acknowledge anyone that breaks the edge of the force field.

If you put the 10-Foot Rule into practice at work your ability to connect with your customer will dramatically improve. And if you begin to acknowledge those that break your “force field” in your daily life, you will be surprised at the positive response you will get from those in your community.

Tune in next time for more adventures from a Service Superhero.

Remember, I can transfer my abilities, or Superpowers, to anyone that truly wants them. Let me know if you'd like to set up a training seminar for your service team, so you can begin to deliver "Superhero Service" to each and every one of your Guests.

If you agree or disagree with anything I’ve said here, or would just like to share a Service related story or insight, I'd love to hear from you. Please post a comment below.

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